Filling the GAP in HR services: tumble.angry.detriment

Filling the GAP in HR services: tumble.angry.detriment

I came across an interesting article on the BBC website.

It is about an app “what3words”.

The team behind it have divided the whole planet into 57 trillion boxes, each of them 3 metres by 3 metres.

Each box has a been given a unique 3 word reference. Much more exact than a postcode, which of course only works if you are somewhere the postal service will deliver to.

If you are up a mountain, or along a canal, or just lost, then you won’t be able to find out your postcode, but this app will tell you exactly where you are, and, more importantly, help other people to find you.

Which is why it has been adopted by several emergency services in the UK, and has already saved lives.

Even if you don’t have the app (go and download it now!), if you call the emergency services they can text you a link to the site so that you can find out exactly where you are.

The three words above are our unique 3 word references to help people find us, and we use them in directions to the office now.

And finding the 3 word references for the squares around you is an amusing way to pass a few minutes while waiting for the train or bus.

tumble angry detriment









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