Push button, avert disaster

One of our clients averted disaster recently, with just one push of a button. They’d received a grievance letter from an employee about one of their colleagues making rude and nasty comments about them. We held the grievance meeting, and the employee gave plenty of detail, and provided witnesses, making it a pretty cut and … Read more

Scantily clad employment law

Scantily clad employment law I love social media. But despite what the gurus have told me, I’ve still struggled to make it work for my business. And by make it work, I mean make ANY money out of it. I know all about how influencers make it work (I’ve just watched the Dubai TV series), … Read more

Calm. Too calm.

We went through a redundancy process at a golf club back in July 2020. And it was all very calm.  Too calm. There were several staff members at risk, including the club manager, and when that happens, it can be quite challenging – managers are much less inclined to play ball. Not this time though … Read more

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