Statutory entitlements
The beginning of April is one of the most significant times in the annual HR calendar.
Because that is when all the statutory employment entitlements change.
There is no legal requirement to inform your staff of the changes to the statutory payments other than the minimum wage.
Statutory payments (per hour)
From 1 April 2022
Minimum Wage
25 and over £9.50
21 to 24 £9.18
18 to 20 £6.83
Under 18 £4.81
You will need to inform your staff of the increase in the minimum wage if that is what they are earning. A simple letter advising them of this change will be okay.
You are legally required to apply the change to their salary from the beginning of April, they do not have to ask you to do so.
If you don’t, then it is a non-defendable case at tribunal. There is no extenuating circumstance which can get you out of the tribunal or from being “named and shamed” by HMRC.
Statutory payments (per week)
From 3 April 2022
Statutory Maternity Pay, Statutory Paternity Pay, Shared Parental Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay all rise from £151.97 to £156.66 (or 90% of the employee’s average weekly earnings if this is less than the statutory rate).
From 6 April 2022
Statutory Sick Pay will increase from £96.35 to £99.35
Minimum threshold. In addition, the lower earnings limit – which is the amount an employee must earn in order to qualify for these statutory payments – is set to rise from £120 to £123 per week.
Any questions, please call 01491 598 600