How the dog throwing up on my camel made me think….
I woke up on Saturday morning to the sound of Comet the dog throwing up on the bed.
The quickest way to get wide awake and out of bed at 7am on a Saturday!
Despite my best efforts to stop him throwing up in the bedroom, he managed to vomit on my duvet, Christopher’s duvet, and the floor under the bed before I could get him in the shower.
Part of the clean-up was washing the duvet covers and the duvets.
Which is where the problem arose.
Christopher has a cheap and cheerful bounceback washable duvet from Sainsbury’s. It went easily into the washing machine and was ready to use again by bedtime.
My duvet was a different story.
I purchased my “exclusive” (read impractical) camel hair duvet in Frankfurt many years ago, when children were just a twinkle in my boyfriend’s eye.
It’s incredibly comfy and cosy, but it has one major flaw.
It is not washable or cleanable AT ALL.
Miraculously, despite having TWO children, I’ve managed to keep it fluid free over the last couple of decades.
Until now.
Comet’s a relatively recent addition to the family, and as no one ever says, “with every dog comes occasional vomit”.
They should say it though – it’s true.
Anyway, despite it being an “unwashable” duvet, I gave it a go.
Admitting that it didn’t work is something of an understatement – the duvet was hard as a rock, and totally destroyed.
So I now also have a new lovely warm, washable bounceback duvet from Sainsbury’s.
And you know what? It’s better. More comfortable. Warmer.
I used to think my camel hair duvet could never be beaten, but that’s only because I hadn’t compared it to some of the newer models out there.
I’d never have replaced it without the unforeseen vomiting incident. But now I’m glad I did.
What process or tool in your business are you still using “because” when actually it has outlived its purpose and usefulness?
What could be working better for you using new technology or a different process?
I had been using a blanket on my duvet for a couple of years to keep me toasty. No need with the new duvet – it’s far more effective than my previous and “exclusive” one from Frankfurt.
And Comet has been sleeping in the kitchen for the last few nights!
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