My employee resigned, but now she is suing me for unfair dismissal

The employee had resigned and then said that as she was intending to move up north, and things hadn’t been finalised, could she stay on till the end of term (this was in a preschool). My client agreed (this was before I was advising her, I hasten to add) because she was having trouble finding … Read more

When your employee resigns

This might be a relief or a pain in the neck. For a resignation to be valid, it needs to be in writing. If the resignation is straightforward, with just “I am hereby giving you notice“, then you just need to: Acknowledge the resignation. Work out their last working day. Do you want them to … Read more

Does a 1 month notice period still apply after 8 years? No!

No, is the quick answer to that. In the first month of employment, notice can be immediate on both sides. Their notice period After the first month, it has to increase to one week on both sides. You can keep the notice period at one week for the first year, or after the probationary period … Read more

Can I stop employees working for competitors for 12 months?

The short answer is “No”, you cannot stop an employees working for competitors for 12 months. The usual way of trying to do this is by putting a restrictive covenant into the contract. That means that you put a noncompete clause in, making it clear that they are not to compete with you after leaving. … Read more

Redundancy Pay – Do I Have To Give It To Employees?

Yes! If you employ anyone, be it a nanny, receptionist, or salesperson means that you have responsibilities under employment law. As is usual in law, ignorance is not a defense and will not protect you! You don’t need to pay redundancy to staff who have worked less than two years for you. You will obviously have to pay … Read more

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