What P&O did wrong

There’s one employment law story dominating the headlines this week, and it’s P&O’s decision to sack 800 staff with zero notice. And in case you’re wondering what P&O did wrong, it’s NOT the fact that they made a business decision that they needed to let all of those staff members go – P&O have likely … Read more

Calm. Too calm.

We went through a redundancy process at a golf club back in July 2020. And it was all very calm.  Too calm. There were several staff members at risk, including the club manager, and when that happens, it can be quite challenging – managers are much less inclined to play ball. Not this time though … Read more

Redundancy announcement script – general meeting

Why The Redundancy Announcement Script? A redundancy announcement can be a very hard thing to do. It is one of the most unpleasant tasks that you will have to do, telling staff that their position in the company is potentially no longer needed. Unfortunately, it is a task that nearly every employer will have to … Read more

Do I Have To Give Employees Redundancy Pay?

Yes! If you employ anyone, be it a cleaner, nanny, or sales person means that you have responsibilities under employment law.As is usual in law, ignorance is not a defence and will not protect you!You don’t need to pay redundancy to staff who have worked less than two years for you. You will obviously have to pay … Read more

Redundancy Costs (video and transcript)

Redundancy Costs (video and transcript) Costs of redundancy, so that you have this in mind is you need to do three weeks consultation. Which is a normal salary and you’re paying tax and national insurance on that. Plus, their notice period, which again, is their normal salary with tax and national insurance paid on it. … Read more

Voluntary Redundancy (video and transcript)

Voluntary Redundancy (video and transcript) To make the process a bit easier is to ask for volunteers a little red man there putting up his hand. Voluntary redundancies, so the way to get people to volunteer for redundancy is to offer them more than they would have got if they were made compulsorily redundant. So, … Read more

Redundancy pay

This applies to all staff over two years’ service. If staff have under 2 years they are not entitled to statutory redundancy pay. When you make an employee redundant, you need to pay them their notice period and statutory redundancy pay. Some employers also have an increased level of contractual redundancy pay, but they tend … Read more

Who Can They Bring To The Redundancy Meeting?

Solicitors in redundancy are always a hot topic – but you’re probably wondering where the law stands about this.. Can they bring a solicitor to the redundancy meeting? As you’d expect, we’re having a lot of conversations about redundancy at the moment, and if you’re sadly having to consider redundancy, then here are some must … Read more

Do I have to give employees redundancy pay?

Yes! If you employ anyone, be it a receptionist, sales person or nanny means that you have responsibilities under employment law. As is usual in law, ignorance is not a defence and will not protect you! You don’t need to pay redundancy to staff who have worked less than two years for you. You will … Read more

Announcing Redundancy To Staff

”I have been made redundant before and it is a terrible blow; redundant is a rotten word because it makes you think you are useless.” Billy Connelly Picture the scene. You’re about to make a redundancy announcement to a staff member. You are seated at your desk when there is a knock at the door. … Read more

The Real Cost of Redundancy

This is a formula worked out by the CIPD to show companies that making “knee jerk” redundancies is not necessarily the easy and cheap way out of a financial bind. (n ×R) + (x ×H) + (x ×T) + ny(H + T) + Wz(P – n) Where: n = number of people made redundant R … Read more

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