Take it from the coat rack lady

I’ve lived without a coat rack for the last six months.

I know, it’s been quite the hardship.

I had my hallway repainted at the turn of the year – a lovely, dark blue, and once it was done, I decided not to bother putting the coat rack back up; it was worn, old and time for a change.

Fully intending to research and invest immediately, life quickly got in the way, and my coats quickly found alternative places to hang.

Six months flew by, as they tend to.

There were a few half-hearted attempts to make progress along the way, but the agony of indecision and the mind-boggling amount of choice made sure that none of them progressed to purchase.

Until two weeks ago, when my grown-up children came home, one of them having finished university for good.

Suddenly, it wasn’t just one fleece and a raincoat to find alternative hanging space for.

There were fleeces, jackets, raincoats, warm coats, hoodies, and a whole host of other “outerwear” options.

Apparently, they all needed to live downstairs; yes, I did ask.

As you can imagine, with no coat hooks, they found themselves in the most annoying places possible, draped over anything and everything that didn’t move.

One day in, and enough was – already – enough.

I got on the phone, searched for coat hooks, had one consultation with the children, and bought some hooks.

The next day, they arrived and were promptly plonked on the wall.  Job done.

It’s a salutary lesson in the importance of taking action before things get to the “chaos” stage, particularly the marketing of your business.

Far too many business owners wait until they NEED to act until the business has become unpleasant and chaotic, and until they’re truly desperate, but that’s no way to live.

If you’re nodding guiltily, take it from the coat rack lady—taking action before the chaos descends is definitely the better choice.

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