Filling the Gap in HR Services: Caribbean in Oxfordshire

Filling the Gap in HR Services: Caribbean in Oxfordshire

As we enter yet another weekend in lockdown, albeit one with cooler weather on the horizon, I can’t help but cast my mind back to last weekend.

It really was lovely – one of the nicest Easter weekends I’ve ever experienced; so different from the ones in my childhood, which I remember as being grey and damp.

In fact, it was so nice that I was able to don the swimming costume I bought for my holiday, lie on my sunbed, close my eyes and be transported to the Caribbean, despite being in sunny Oxfordshire.

This transportation was only possible with Nivea sunscreen.

My mum always used this one us when I was a child in Italy, Kuwait and Cyprus.

As soon as I open the bottle I am transported to exotic, hot beach locations.

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