Officially old

I’ve got an announcement: I’m officially old.

This realisation has little to do with the page turning on another year, and everything to do with my internal thermostat.

I’m officially old because I’m ALWAYS cold.

Being increasingly sensitive to the temperature comes with its fair share of challenges – the simplest way to counteract the cold is to whack the heating up, but the evil smart meter in the corner of the room blinks red at me far too often for this to be the complete solution.

Appropriate attire is the next best thing, so I pulled out my thermal underwear from my Arctic and Antarctic excursions (I may have mentioned the polar bears a couple of times!).

Unfortunately, it didn’t solve the problem as I’d hoped it would – with a thick, heavy parka it had done the job, but less so when I was sat static in front of a computer.

So it was back online for another solution, and somewhat perplexingly, silk underwear kept coming up as a potential option.

I’d never considered silk as a heat saving choice, and given that it’s easily three times the cost of manmade thermal clothing it represented something of a risk.

But in the end, I pushed the button, intrigued, and waited for it to arrive.

And as I put it on, I realised that my grandmother’s old saying of “Buy cheap, buy twice” was rearing its head again.

The silk underwear may have been eye wateringly expensive, but when it came to keeping me warm, it was in a league of its own.

Plus, it had the added benefit of not making me look like the Michelin man walking around.

I’m sure you know the rest of the story – I went rather trigger happy on the silk: long johns, a camisole, a vest, the list goes on.

But as I sit here, tapping away in total comfort, no hot water bottle or “slanket” in sight, I know I made the right call.

As the saying goes, “you get what you pay for” and if you aren’t getting the desired result from something you’ve bought, it might be time to consider upgrading – the right investment will pay for itself many times over!

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