How Much Is Redundancy Pay UK?

When considering making redundancies, its crucial to understand the intricacies of redundancy pay. Employees often ask, ‘How much is redundancy pay UK?’ As an employer, having a clear understanding of your obligations regarding redundancy pay not only equips you to provide accurate information to your employees, but also ensures you fulfil your legal obligations. At … Read more

When Should I Receive My Redundancy Payment UK?

When you make an employee redundant, you may need to pay them redundancy. Specific rules and regulations govern redundancy payments, and as an employer, it’s essential to understand those rules to avoid inadvertently falling foul of them and ending up before an employment tribunal. A question often asked by employees who have been made redundant … Read more

Minimum Redundancy Pay

If your organisation needs to make redundancies, the affected employees may have the right to redundancy pay. The minimum redundancy pay depends on the employee’s age and how long they have worked for you. It’s essential to calculate an employee’s redundancy pay correctly and pay it on time. If you don’t, the employee may issue … Read more

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