About Gap HR


Gap HR has been around for over 20 years, founded originally by Carolyne Wahlen with the sole purpose of helping out small businesses who needed assistance with their difficult employees (settlement agreements are the best way to deal with difficult employees).

Since then, the business has grown to 7 of us (8, if you include Comet) who are only here to keep your business tribunal free.

We host weekly Zoom meetings, and there is never any end to the horror stories that employers get themselves into with challenging staff behaviour!

Feel free to contact us on 01491 598600 or email us on cw@gaphr.co.uk to find out more!

gap hr


Has run a successful business since 2003, is a well-respected speaker, and is an author of all things HR. There are many, many business owners across the country who have had their very stressful employee issues magically disappear because they’ve teamed up with Gap HR. The motivating force for this HR enterprise is Carolyne. We rely on her agile decision-making, marketing skills, and innovative ideas to attract and retain clients. Within the team, we benefit from her supportive,
open and enthusiastic leadership. When not working, Carolyne is
either on holiday or planning her next escape –
our very own Travel Man!


Is there a doctor in the house, we cry….when we have the need of her calm measured and chilled approach to life. Whilst Jean’s background (and doctorate) is in Microbiology she’s the brains behind keeping our back office running in a smooth orderly manner. When she’s not keeping us all under control you can find her at the local sailing club, ether in her role as the treasurer or sailing down the river Thames.


Cathy, as our Operations Manager, is responsible for making sure the back office and all the people are looked after. She is the chief negotiator, and can also be a bit of a spreadsheet geek, but is always lovely to have as a part of any conversation. Her house is also our go-to zone for having our team meals! If she isn’t doing work, she’ll be off with friends enjoying a meal out, or chilling with her cats at home!

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Nadia thrives in a busy environment, injects her own very special recipe of energy and enthusiasm into our everyday working life.With her law firm background together with having worked in the Hospitality & Leisure, and Financial Consulting industries, she brings with her considerable expertise, her fabulous fun attitude that makes all of our working days so much better!When she’s not juggling employee issues, she can be found cantering about the Scottish countryside on the back of one of her horses.


If there could be an HR superhero then it would be Catherine (cape and all)! She has even been invited to Buckingham Palace in recognition of her achievements! She’s got 13 years HR experience in the rail and hospitality industry, and won an award in 2015 in the category of ‘unsung hero’. Catherine has a 100% success rate at employment tribunals, and enjoys that every day, and every HR case, is different, from the weird to the wonderful! Catherine is chatty, with a wonderful sense
of humour. When not at work, she can be found socialising
with friends and family.


Arguably the most important member of the team, Comet has affiliated himself with Gap HR services since early 2014. Comet is the type of employee any employer would dream of having the benefit of managing. He is never later into work than Carolyne, and even offers up his own time to go out for exercise with her. Fantastic employee. Big fan of treats.

Who We Work With