The metaphorical unicorn that this greenkeeper never saw

The metaphorical unicorn that this greenkeeper never saw

I was talking to a head greenkeeper the other day, and he was probing me about human resources-related stuff (occupational hazard!).

One of the things he was keen to know was whether there was a legal requirement for an employer to have a handbook that they gave to their staff.

I asked him why he was so interested, and I was pretty surprised by his answer:

“Because I was given my contract, which refers to the handbook a lot. So I asked the Club Manager for a copy of this handbook. He said I should think of it like a unicorn.”

As you can imagine, I was a little bit confused by this, so he elaborated…

Apparently the Club Manager had told him that the handbook was magical, like a unicorn: everyone knows what it is, but no one has ever seen it in real life!

Now there are a couple of problems with this:

  1.  Golf clubs (just like any other business) need to issue their staff with employee handbooks on policies and procedures
  2. This golf club was proud of being incompetent

It is just not on for golf clubs to try and pull a fast one, or in this case, a magical one, over their employees, and I’ve actually been in conversations recently with BIGGA about running some seminars for greenkeepers to help them understand their employment rights a little better.

Have you got a ‘magical handbook’? Best magic one into reality if you have…

The metaphorical unicorn that this employee never saw

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